The Real Estate Business is (not) As Usual


How to work on your business while not in your business

How to work on your business while not in business

This week, we’re looking at how to work on your real estate business while not in the office. So much of this industry is about in-person connection… The handshake when meeting with your client, walkthroughs of potential houses, and even the congratulatory visit to the new home after your client moves in. We know business has slowed down in our current socio-economic climate, but you aren’t powerless!. Even though the change was sudden, this time can be a great opportunity for you to upgrade your real estate business. 

Whether you need a new system of organization, or you’ve been lacking the opportunity for a good strategic planning session with your team, now is the time to get working!

Step one- Take Stock

Step One: Take Stock of your Business

Knowing exactly what needs doing is the first and most important step in working on your business! Search through tangible and intangible assets (photography, webpages, listings technology, etc.) to identify what’s been working for you and what hasn’t. Take a look at yourself as a ‘product’, too. Are there courses or webinars you’ve wanted to take but have always been too busy? This is the perfect time to enrol!

Now that you have a moment to look with a critical lens, you may find listings or content that needs updating, or even that certain systems are no longer working for your clients or your firm.  

Hot tip:

Make a list of everything you love, and everything you can see needs improving. Make another list of skills you and your real estate firm would like to master so you know what to research, later. Knowledge is power and it’s okay to acknowledge what isn’t working for your business, now that you have time to address it. 

Step two- Organize/Update

Step two: Organize/Update your Business

After taking stock of your business, you’ll have a perfect opportunity to organize and update all that paperwork and those online files! Look at both your physical and technology-based organization. Is it easy to find all the information you need? Have you been wasting time searching for specific clients or listings, online? How is the organization of your physical office? Now is the time to update those inefficient operating systems, clear out cluttered files and get focused on change.

What about your website? Is the content relevant and current? Take a look at the photos you are using. Do they still represent you and your brand? Or do they need a refresh? This is the best time to tackle the outdated corners of your website that you usually just ignore.

 Lay the groundwork for a more optimized and streamlined system of physical and technical organization so you save yourself time and trouble when you’re back to the usual realtor hustle.

Hot tip: 

  • Sometimes you just need a boost to get started. One quick way to get organized is through your Gmail Inbox: 
  • Click the little gear icon on the right of your Gmail inbox and click on ‘Settings’.
  • Select ‘Configure Inbox’ and check off all the message categories you would like your emails to be sorted into.
  • Watch as your emails are now automatically sorted into Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates, and Forums!

You’ll be amazed at how an organized inbox can make you feel less overwhelmed. Not a Gmail user? No matter the email server, there are easy ways to get that inbox looking more organized, just hop on google and get searching.

Step Three- Research

Step three: Research your Options

You’ve organized and updated all your systems, so now is the time to get going on those lists of improvement. This is a GREAT time to check out and learn how to use all the top applications, social media tools, webinars and new technology for realtors!

It can be as small as starting a Twitter or Instagram account for your business, or something much bigger, like researching Google or Facebook ad options, complete with business analytics and other convenient management tools to get your digital presence boosted (especially important as so many people are at home and online, right now).

Hot tip: 

Google is your friend! No matter what you want to improve, there is likely an app or training guide created to help you. Change the way you engage with new clients online by watching relevant webinars, read up on articles explaining how to use online ads, create big and small business revenue goals and track your progress with the many goal-based apps available!

Step Four- Commit

Step four: Commit to your Business

Armed with all this knowledge of your real estate business, and the time to implement necessary changes, now is the time to commit! 

Set small goals that are realistic and manageable. Enrol in webinars for the next two weeks focused on one topic like social media or online client care. Have weekly meetings online with your team, other realtors, and clients, so you stay engaged, accountable and connected to others. The key is following through with these small goals.

Remember, many of your clients will be dealing with the same stress and circumstances as you, so checking in online through a forum, video chat, or blog post is a great way to remind them that you and your business are still here to help!

Hot tip:

Don’t overwhelm yourself or your team with too many options. Remember those lists you made back when you were taking stock of your business? Pick one thing at a time to study and learn from that list. You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and won’t burn out from watching 6 webinars a day.

We've got you covered

While we know it’s not business as usual, we hope these ideas help inspire you to tackle those business goals you’ve been pushing aside. Using this time to build your brand and learn new skills will boost your business in the future. And remember, you’re not doing this alone. If you need any help with the restructuring or reorganization of your website, or are looking for online presence or business consultation, Realty Labs is here for you. Contact us any time at!

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